We live in a the era of a pandemic, so many stores are closed.
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of our book “The Joy of Science”, you can order it directly from Ciencia Al Tiro

The Joy of Science book

The book has 12 easy-to-prepare workshops that have been very popular with school students. Each chapter describes how to prepare for the workshop and includes a list of necessary materials, as well as helpful tips and references.

The book has beautiful watercolors by Bettiana Castro and is illustrated by Alex Rojas

How can you purchase the book The Joy of Science drugin the pandemic?

Cost: $15,000 chilean pesos (includes shipping)

Transfer data:

Name: Kathleen Whitlock
RUT: 22.245.796-3
Bank: Banco de Chile
Checking Account: 00-101-11609-08


Please send a copy of the receipt to: kewhitlock@gmail.com including the NAME of the buyer, their ADDRESS and PHONE NUMBER.

Enjoy some pages of the book

You can buy the book at:

La Sucursal Store | El Internado Restaurant

Bahía Utópica Gallery

Green Building

  • Pedro León Gallo 380/90, Playa Ancha, Valparaíso.